
The Changing Face Of Hull

Led by Artist Quentin Budworth – with a contribution of 20 additional photographs from mentee and second photographer Rebecca Robyns ‘The Changing Face of Hull’ was an arts project which took place in Hull between September 2014 and April 2015. The project worked with people who live and work in Hull to explore ideas of self, city and shared identity.

The project involved 146 participants as sitters, a live audience of 1277 and an audience through broadcast media, online and in print media of 139561 people mostly from Hull but also from 50 or so countries from around the world via this website.

The Changing Face of Hull concept belongs to both Quentin and Rebecca to develop as they see fit. This recognises the input that both Quentin and Rebecca put into the initial idea and subsequent development of the concept of ‘The Changing Face of Hull’ into a real world project. Both Quentin and Rebecca also acknowledge the help and support offered to the development of ‘The Changing Face of Hull’ concept by Louise Yates of Hull City Council’s Arts Unit. Quentin and Rebecca would like to thank all the participants and the people who attended the exhibition for their time, energy and enthusiasm.

This website contains all of the content, images and text from the project for any further information about the project contact: Quentin Budworth on 07877434739 or email:quentinbudworth@btinternet.com

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